Silver State Governance

Silver State Governance (SSG) is a first of it's kind school board training initiative.

Founded on research, SSG is a continuous-improvement model for governing teams - board in collaboration with their superintendents - who choose to focus intensely on only one primary objective:

Improving student outcomes

Governance teams drive focus on improving student outcomes, the SSG philosophy and practices provide a system for managing the vital, though secondary, legal and fiscal responsibilities of the board. 

Student outcomes don't change until adult behaviors change

Silver State Governance Participant Manual

Silver State Governance Manual State Board 2021

Silver State Governance Two-Day Workshop

At the root of this work is the underlying belief that leadership matters; leaders' choices have the power to be transformative in the lives of our students. Therefore, the workshop is destined as a conversation about governance behaviors that lead to improved student outcomes and draws from research as well as promising practices from participant experience. The two-day workshop provides a supportive space where governing teams learn about and prepare for the intense focus on improving student outcomes as described in the SSG Implementation Integrity Instrument.

The Silver State Governance Manual includes five specific tools:

  • Implementation SSG Instrument

  • Board's Time Use Tracker

  • Board's Staff Use Tracker

  • Board's Quarterly Progress Tracker

  • Sample Policies and Documents

Who should attend a Silver State Governance workshop?
All school boards and superintendents statewide are welcome to attend SSG workshops. Silver State Governance e workshops are specifically designed for school board members and superintendents. 

Do all school board members and superintendent need to participate in the two-day sessions?
Board members and superintendents are welcome to attend any SSG Workshop, but in order to earn a Silver State Governance Certificate, all members of the board and the superintendent must attend the entirety of the SSG Workshop.

Can other members of our leadership team attend the two-day workshop?
Yes. Other members of the leadership team, at the discretion of the superintendent, may attend the SSG Workshop.

When and where are the next Silver State Governance workshops scheduled?
Districts interested in attending an upcoming SSG Workshop can contact Dr. Oliver at NASB at

What happens after the workshop?
The data is very clear, the implementation after the SSG Workshop is what creates the environment for the local school system to improve student outcomes. Following the two-day workshop, school boards and superintendents will be encouraged to engage with a SSG Coach for on-going support in implementing the mindset, knowledge, and skills gleaned during the SSG Workshop, evaluating their progress along the way. 

Resource ​Recommended Reading

Online Resources


Research Studies and Articles