Open Meeting Law
Recordings of Past Seminars
New Trustee/Mentor Welcome
January 16th, 2020
New Board President Training
January 9th, 2021
This online seminar is for any trustee interested in becoming the Board President or Board Chairperson. Begin your term as Boar President with the knowledge of how to set an agenda and run a great meeting, foster an exceptional governance team, establish focus and understand the process for the Superintendent Evaluation.
CEU towards Governance Certification will be awarded. (Required CEUs)
American Society of Association Executives
Education Commission of the States
National School Boards Action Center
National School Boards Association - Federal Legislative Priorities
National School Boards Association - School Law
United States Department of Education
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic closes schools across the nation, education systems are scrambling to meet the needs of schools, families, and 55.1 million students during these unprecedented times. The economic impacts and trauma of recent events will also have far reaching effects that will likely exacerbate long-standing opportunity gaps. While it is difficult to speculate on what missing months of school may mean for student achievement, research on seasonal learning and summer learning loss can offer some insights that can help educators, policy makers, and families understand, plan for, and address some potential impacts of this extended pause in classroom instruction when students return to school.
Read more here
AB 168 Guidelines from Nevada Department of Education
Presentations from the 2019 Building Bridges Conference
Please note: All presentations that were shared are here. Not all presenters wish to share their presentations.
Crowd Funding Model Policy: Google Doc | Downloadable.doc