Board Development

Learn more about Silver State Governance

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The Nevada Association of School Boards provides high quality, effective professional development for school board members in a variety of areas designed to improve local board governance and policy development. 

Learn More About
Certificate in School Boardsmanship

Governance is a leadership process, and to function effectively, individual board members and boards as a whole, should have a clear understanding not only of their governance roles and responsibilities, but also how to practically and correctly apply them within a leadership framework or context. Thus, regular governance training is essential for school boards.

This Certificate in Boardsmanship program equips board members and superintendents with the knowledge and skills to build and support an effective governance structure.

This new NVASB program includes the same core governance principles that have made it the standard for board member professional development across the country but with an accelerated timeline, convenient format and program flexibility for busy professionals.

The program allows Board members to complete the program at their own pace.

When they register for any of the five courses, they have access to materials and useful handouts to share with other members of your governance team.

Each course will have pre-course assignments which need to be completed prior to attending the full-day course.

Program modules are offered at various locations statewide throughout the year, allowing participants the flexibility to choose where and when to attend.

Goals of NASB's Board Development Services

  • Identifying leadership potential and building leadership capacity on local school boards​

  • Defining and expanding educational advocacy

  • Using resources more efficiently

NASB Board Development Services provides high quality, effective professional development for school board members and administrators with a specific focus on the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively govern K-12 systems at the local level.

NASB offers the Certified Public Official Program for Nevada’s public officials. NASB will be introducing this year,  core board development programs  that offer training on the foundations of school board governance and building knowledge of the purpose and scope of school boards.

...leadership does the right thing while management does things right.

Peter Drucker  

   On what leadership means

In addition to its own workshops and conferences, NASB participates with Extended Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno, in partnership with the Nevada League of Cities and Municipalities and the Nevada Association of Counties to provide the Certified Public Official (CPO) Program, an in-depth series that provides diverse resources for educational and professional development responsive to the changing needs of elected and appointed officials in public office throughout Nevada. Content offered by NASB through its own professional development workshops and training sessions receive equivalent credit through the CPO Program.

Working with School Boards Where and When They Need It.

  • Team building

  • How to set priorities

  • General Ethics

  • Board meeting behavior

  • Open meeting law overview & reminders

  • Dealing with difficult situations

  • Governance vs. Leadership

  • Customized to individual board needs